Monday, July 27, 2009

Words Can Never Make Up For What You Do

relationships are fragile things arent they.
there are the ones that seem all perfect but are not.
then there are those that seem to never end, but do.
then there are those that actually do work despite differences.

baffling stuff. i wonder whether this is the exact reason why He has been keeping me single. oh well.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

One By One You Can Cage Them In Your Freedom Make Them All Disappear.

been months since i've last blogged. finally back because its the first time in a long while that i actually have time to sit down and pen down my thoughts.
dont know where to begin this entry sigh.

okay so i've become a clubber now. is that a bad thing?
i guess clubbing for me is like another way to relax. because on the dance floor everything goes.
no frills, no stress. the way i like it.
another reason i guess is that its so damn amusing to see all the different types of people our lovely country has to offer. the despots, the fat girls/guys, the caucasians, the i-think-i'm-hot uggers, the real hotties.. and the list goes on.
you dont see these people often. some of them only come out when the alcohol goes in. which is why its so damn funny at times.

and then spiritually i've kinda hit a brick wall. how do i put it. i'm in transition, and im stuck. i guess i gotta put some faith into the prayers that were said today so that i can move on to the next step. Lord watch over me.

relationship-wise its still a desert out here. oh well. He'll decide when i'm ready again i guess so i'm not that concerned anymore. when it's time it's time right? can't force things.

friends are still awesome, just wish we could spend time together as a group, you know? instead of random spontaneous meetings just so that we could check the "met this week" column. is it so hard to return to those days back when we were all in school where we could spend the whole weekend together just enjoying each other's company and engage in meaningful conversation? guys if you're reading this we HAVE to make time for each other. no more "well if he wants/cares he'll do something about it". we ALL have to be proactive.

birthday next friday. i approach the date with apprehension because i'm so afraid that i would wind up not enjoying myself. which is a tragedy.